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Production : 2013-2014

Type : Machinima

Length : 96 min

Audio : english

Subtitles: english, french


Game : World of Warcraft


Roles : director, writer, game capture, editor,

sound, vfx, casting, trailers


50+ people participated to this project



​A month has passed since the beginning of the Siege of Orgrimmar and the rebellion has not still manage to get into the city. Losses accumulate and wear caused by the siege demotivate the rebels. It's only a matter of time before the True Horde victory!

The last hopes of rebellion are based on a small and talented group of heroes of the Horde. They have lived and got through conflict without weaknesses, at least so far. They ended up falling against the corrupting Sha's power. Filled with pride, because of their past victories, the group of adventurers teared apart. The unity was their strength, but now it became their weakness.


While the madness of Garrosh threat put Azeroth to fire and sword, will they succeed to work together or will they succumb to their pride?

Teaser (July 2014)

Trailer (October 2014)

What is a Machinima ?


Machinima is the use of real-time computer graphics engines to create a cinematic production. Most often video games are used to generate the computer animation.


Machinima has advantages and disadvantages when compared to other styles of filmmaking. Its relative simplicity over traditional frame-based animation limits control and range of expression. Its real-time nature favors speed, cost saving, and flexibility over the higher quality of pre-rendered computer animation. Virtual acting is less expensive, dangerous, and physically restricted than live action. Machinima can be filmed by relying on in-game artificial intelligence (AI) or by controlling characters and cameras through digital puppetry. Scenes can be precisely scripted, and can be manipulated during post-production using video editing techniques. Editing, custom software, and creative cinematography may address technical limitations.

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