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Production : 2015-2017

Type : Machinima

Length : 95 min

Audio : english, russian

Subtitles: english, french, russian


Game : World of Warcraft


Roles : director, writer, capture, editor,

sound, vfx, casting, voice actor director, trailers


50+ people participated to this project



​By taking control of the Iron Horde, Gul'dan transformed the Hellfire Citadel into a true demonic lair. When all hope seemed lost, the Archmage Khadgar recruits a team to finish him once and for all. Combat veterans with among them Suge, emeritus warlock. Who better qualified for this mission as one of the first to be confronted to Gul'dan during the First war?


Unusually, this group accepts the inclusion of a member of the opposite faction. A human survivor of the Hellfire, the warlock Alice Graves. But not everyone can see her in a positive light. Despite adversity will they manage to defeat Gul'dan's evil plans?

Teaser (November 2015)

Trailer (October 2016)

The second movie (personal project) realised in co-production with in the game World of Warcraft.
Created by filming in-game actions and role play sequences with the help of a marketing camera and some vfx tricks. More than 50 people participated in this project.

The idea was to do a movie without budget and no material constraints just by using what the game purpose for us. But of course we needed to deal with the game constraints like preset animations.
So we can see that as a kind of director's training.

It's the sequel of my first machinima movie "Pride" (96min). The difference with the first movie lies in the pre-production work. For this project I used in-game screenshots (took with an external camera tool) as a storyboard to plan every shot of the movie (except combat scenes). It also helped me to work on the cinematography of each shot.
The story is also more accessible to the people who don't play the game.

For the released, we organized a premiere show in Paris with a live stream of the event.

With the help of BLIZZARD Europe, we also released a Russian version of the movie.

The project was very well received by the community. So well received that BLIZZARD decided to consacrate an episode of "The Fine Art of Fan Art" on my work on this project.

BLIZZARD's "The Fine Art of Fan Art", a video series focused on talented artists from the World of Warcraft community. Think to activate English subtitles.

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